Our Impact

Signatory of:
our commitment

Responsible Investments

Lighthouse Canton is a signatory of the UN supported Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI, www.unpri.com). We have developed expertise across alternative investment strategies incorporating responsible investment considerations in our investment process and focusing on resilient sectors within the Asian markets. Our investments provide growth capital and infrastructure, resulting in a broader progressive impact within the region.

To learn more please access the Lighthouse Canton Responsible Investment Policy.

Supporting innovation through the leasing and management of sustainable spaces.
Responsible Investing is a critical part of our objective to ensure that our life science infrastructure is energy efficient and withstands the tests of time and the changing climate. We pursue green building certifications for all our new developments. The portfolio’s commitment to LEED certifications creates sustainability and value for tenants, the ecosystem and ultimately benefits investors as well. Within Neovantage’s operating portfolio 65% is LEED certified.
Bridging Capital through supply chain financing and credit facilities.
SMEs are the backbone of the Asian economy, accounting for a significant portion of the region's GDP and providing employment opportunities for a large number of people. Private market strategies have helped bridge the gap in financing from traditional lenders by providing SMEs with access to adaptable alternative financing options, such as supply chain financing and secured bridge financing, that can help them to grow and expand.
Empowering growth through venture capital and venture debt investments
By providing innovative startups and technology companies with the capital and resources they need to grow and expand, our strategies are helping to drive innovation and technological progress across the region with the potential to disrupt traditional industries and create new markets.
Empowering growth

Purposeful Investing

The PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment with 5,100+ signatories globally and US$ 120+ trillion assets under management. By implementing the principles of the PRI into our investment and management practices, our Asset Management business will be part of the growing number of Asian signatories that participate in the PRI’s global collective action that contributes to developing a more sustainable global financial system.


We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes


We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices


We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest


We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry


We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles


We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles

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