LC Beacon Global Fund
about LC Beacon Global Fund
An open-ended global macro fund that uses a dual strategy model to generate steady risk adjusted returns with low volatility and correlation to equity and bond markets.

Our Approach
The Accrual book generates steady, uncorrelated returns by investing in short-dated fixed-income instruments, relative value market-neutral trading strategies and arbitrages across all major liquid asset classes. The income generated from the Accrual book is then used as risk capital for the Trading book that potentially enhances returns through measured macro trading. This approach enables the Fund to generate strong risk-adjusted returns at lower volatility and limited downside with low correlation to the major asset classes and equity markets.

Reasons to Invest in this Fund
- Treasury Book: Active Treasury Management Solution (ATMS) to generate steady accrual & arbitrage income.
- Trading Book: Income generated from the Treasury Book used as risk capital for traditional macro strategies.
Is suitable for capital preservation due to its low volatility and limited downside risk.
Has a low correlation to equity and bond market.
Managed by an experienced team with over 30 years of combined experience in fixed income & currency markets in global investment banks where they held market making and proprietary trading roles.

Sunil Kalra
Portfolio Manager, LC Beacon Global Fund
Over 20 years of experience in Fixed Income and Currency Markets. Experience spans across market making and proprietary trading roles with exposure to investment strategies for majority of classes of institutional investors.

Jignesh Desai
Co-Portfolio Manager, LC Beacon Global Fund
Over 15 years of experience in Fixed Income and Currency Markets. Experience in market making and proprietary roles in Foreign Exchange, local currency and hard currency bond trading.